Friday, September 23, 2011

Bayou Bohemian: Feather Love

I don't know if it's because I'm suspect to digging trends because of my inherent nature to love change, or because of my in inherent Peacock-ness, but I am finding myself really drawn towards feathers. I already own 3 pair of feather earrings, and now I have the prettiest feather necklace and locket from Bayou Bohemian, which I found on Poppytalk Handmade (highly recommend checking this out!). The locket has essential oils, you can choose your scent. Mine has Frankincense.  I was so excited when it came in the mail, a little present from Louisiana~

"For me it is indeed truth that inspiration is a driving force. The simple beauty of the natural and primitive elements of architecture, furniture, photography, clothing, jewelry, decor and design make my heart race with inspiration." 
Bayou Bohemian
Find more beautiful jewelry, amazing vintage dresses AND feather hair extensions on Bayou Bohemian's Etsy sight. Don't you just love her style? I do.


  1. thanks for all the love Desha...very sweet indeed! I guess you like your necklace (big smile)

  2. Desha, I really love your necklace! What an excellent choice!

    I cannot wait to see your outfit pictures featuring this beauty!

  3. Lovely jewerly! I was reading your blog and I really liked it, now i'm following you. I hope you can check out mine and follow back if you want ;)

  4. I am also drawn to the beauty and unique charm of feathers.


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